ATW Holdings is a group of three family owned, community businesses. MyDek is a fast growing and innovative company that provides safe, smart and sustainable decking for balconies and terraces. Sapphire Balconies are the leading provider of balconies for high rise projects and residential balconies. Innovast is a company dedicated to innovation in support of both MyDek and Sapphire, as well as other community businesses.
I have worked on a number of strategic projects for the separate businesses. This has included helping them with the overall strategy and planning; identifying new territories to explore and decisions on new innovations and business models. I have also hosted annual strategy days for the group.
“We have used Natasha on several occasions to facilitate sessions where we have been brainstorming and debating and setting ambitious growth strategies for 2 of our group businesses. She has always proved to be very good at facilitating our discussions, asking helpful questions, keeping the conversations progressing at a good pace. Her most outstanding strength is the way that she distils the multitude of ideas and perspectives and quickly collates them succinctly in writing, even doing this while the session is going on such that she has captured all the key points in a PPT by the end of the day. This has been so well done that we even asked her to come back and present the new strategy to the Group Board, where her communication skills proved valuable in reaching agreement.”
TRISTAN PARSONS, ATW Board Member and Managing Director of MyDek
+44 7506 140337
Registered Address
Strategy Doctor Ltd
Newminster House
Baldwin Street,
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