Category: Videos

Episode 3 of the comedy parody series with Joe Biden
Authenticity in Business. Annoying buzzword or critical? Donald Trump answers!
In this series I’ll be interviewing world leaders and business gurus on all things business and strategy. First, what does it mean to be strategic?
You wouldn’t plan a picnic without looking outside at the weather – so why work on your business plan without thinking about your environment?
When you aren’t getting the results you hoped for, it is easy to jump into action. But if you don’t know why you aren’t getting those results, you could be taking the wrong action.
It is easy to sit in the Boardroom and lay down the ambitions and direction of travel. But then you need to work out the how – how on earth are you going to get there.
There are no limits on how big your ambition can be, but the clearer you can get, for the first step, the better.
These two questions are the foundations of any strategy. If you can’t define your business or don’t have a clue on what you want for it, you could end up going round in circles.
Business strategy is no different to life. It may not be easy to work out exactly what you want, but if you can get clear on this, it makes life a lot easier. More importantly, it makes it easier for others to help you!

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